 Price Information
Enough for 30 plates (10 each of white, blue and red colonies)
A set of 3 plates can be shared by 3 students.

Learn how to use DNA ligase - a most powerful tool      used in DNA cloning techniques.
Understand cloning techniques which are used in      genetic engineering
Following DNA ligation, understand the techniques of      bacterial transformation.
Understand how bacteria propagate in presence of      antibiotic.
Learn the concept of the protein expression and use of      X-gal and IPTG.
Understand identifiable DNA traits which make white or      blue colonies.
Learn how to make antibiotic resistant growth media.

DNA cloning is a very common technique used in molecular biology to study gene structure, function and expression. T4 DNA Ligase is used to ligate fragments of DNA with plasmid DNA, resulting in the formation of recombinant closed circular plasmid DNA. Resulting circular DNA is transformed in E.coli cells by using antibiotic resistant agar plates. Bacterial colonies on agar plates are used to isolate (plasmid preparation) DNA of interest. The experiment includes, a) precut plasmid DNA, b) precut fragment with matching overhangs, and c) T4 DNA ligase enzyme. The efficiency of ligation and transformation could be assayed by counting the number of colonies on bacterial plates.

Time Needed to Complete the Experiment:
Grow E.coli cells (16 hours) or use frozen competent cells.
Preparation of small scale competent cells: 20 minutes.
Preparation of antibiotic resistant plates: About 40 minutes. Plates containing agar media     can be stored in refrigerator for up to three months.
Transformation of plasmid DNA to competent cells: 30 minutes.
     Inoculation of plates with transformed E.coli cells: 5 minutes.
Results (after 16-24 hours of incubation of plates at 37 °C or about two days of incubation     at room temperature.

Staining time:
2-3 hrs for methylene blue stain or instant results with ethidium bromide stain.

Kit includes following items:
Uncut plasmid DNA (as control). Blue and white colony making plasmids.
Pre-cut plasmid DNA.
Pre-cut DNA fragment with matching overhangs.
DNA Ligase enzyme.
Ligase buffer.
E.coli cells.
LB Media for bacterial growth.
Agar Media for plates.
Petri plates.
X-Gal/IPTG Solution.
Transformation buffer .
Double autoclaved sterile water.
Antibiotic (Ampicillin)- enough for making plates
Microfuge tubes.
Sterile inoculating loops.
Instructions sheet.
Blank sample for practice on agarose gel.

Other Requirements:
Microwave, Incubator (optional), Glassware, Hot Gloves

Price(1 Kit)
Price(3 Kits)
Price(5 Kits)
313-1 Cloning (ligation) and bacterial transformation. 30 preps $89 $256 $409
*Extended kit includes extra reagents (for visualization of DNA during electrophoresis) such as loading pipet, agarose, microfuge tube rack, gel buffer, standard DNA, staining solution and agarose electrophoresis videotape etc. Note: Due to restriction enzymes, cold shipment charges will apply.
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